This is just damage control, and come to think of it, not even that. They thought they were doing the right thing, and probably still think the same say. Its just that the holy father (in this case the mother) sent the holy writ and what else could be done but try and please her by changing a few things.
I have a three point agenda for this post
1. Bad press
2. Lack of control/an over zealous cog in the wheel
3. Bad bad damage control
1. Bad press
It would be bad publicity if MM went to Amreeka and told the world about what happened to her. This is the same kind of mentality that would censor a kiss but would have no problem with a man singlehandedly blowing away a hundred people in the most explicit way possible. Might as well just do away with all bad news, I am sure that would fall in line with this reasoning, so no bad news, that means nothing bad happened, and we can all go to sleep knowing all is good. I am happy to report that PTV is following that line, and has been for a few years. The proverbial pigeon closing its eyes and imagining the cat away.
2. Lack of control
I think what probably happened was that someone thought they would be extra smart and had her name put on the ECL and then took away her passport. This unfortunately became a bigger issue than what anyone had bargained for. So FL had a choice, either to say that he sanctioned it, or admit that he had no control and the bunch of morons who work for him aren't very enlightened or moderate. He chose the former. Condi makes the phone call, and Kasuri has a case of temporary constipation. So they refer to the same morons for damage control, which brings us to 3.
3. Damage control
Imagine, the same whizkids who were responsible for the screwup, were given the responsibility of finding a way to bail out FL and his stooges. And they come up with another brilliant strategy. Suddenly they want to return her passport and strike her name off ECL (something I don't think has happened by the way, wait till she tries to travel). May I ask why suddenly it will be ok to wash our "dirty linen" in public? And to top it all, the Supreme Court suddenly wants to try her appeal. I am wondering what happened to MM's mother who had suddenly become unwell, Nilofer Bakhtiar is suddenly not as concerned as she was earlier when she announced that MM will not be traveling for that reason.
It wouldn't be so bad if we learn something from this, but being the eternal pessimist, especially when it comes to the intelligence of my fellow beings, I don't have much hope. We will see this happen again and again, so be it!