Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Banyan Tree getting closer Posted by Picasa

The Banyan Tree Posted by Picasa

The Banyan Tree from a distance Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

Me Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who are these people?

The last couple of days have seen a lot of action in Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawer. The protests against the cartoons seems to be gaining some momentum. The proverbial "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face" is clearly applicable. Anything that gets in the way of these unruly mobs, gets decimated. So who really cares what they are burning down?

I thought the protest was against the countries that published the cartoons. As usual , I was wrong. The protest was against everything, the frustrations that we have as a society, come out in acts of random violence and destruction. All kinds of public and private property was destroyed and there are no signs of this abating.

I want to know who these people are. The Islamabad mob was made up of school kids, at least thats what I saw on TV and the newspapers. Totally understandable, an excuse to take the day off from school, a sort of field trip where you can do pretty much everything you want. The amusement parks that we have, leave a lot to be desired. So water slides are replaced by water canons, and people actually pay money to go to junk yards to break things, hey it can be done for free here.

I don't know what the mobs in Lahore and Peshawer were made up of. Probably students, and other people trying to find some entertainment, since kite flying is still banned and will only be allowed for two weeks, so we can have Basant a'la Elightened Moderation Style. The people in Peshawer even pulled down the telephone lines, broke windows of residences, set fire to the bus stand, I am just amazed at what we are capable of doing.

I wonder how many of these people had any idea what the cartoons were like. Probably 99 precent hadn't even seen the damned things. So somebody in the school backyard screams "Fight" and everyone rushes there. And throws in a punch or two.

I have nothing against protests. And if you just stand there and protest without making a nuisance of yourself, it really doesn't serve the purpose now, does it? A mob is a beast without reason, and I am not happy to say that the only way to control it would be by force. My lack of faith in humanity is reinforced every time I see things like this. Especially us, as a society. We lack the moral courage to stand up against anything. We are cowards. And understandably so. Hey if you are swimming in a pool of sharks, you really can't reason with them.

The analogy that comes to mind would be that you hear that somebody in the marketplace badmouthed you, and you come home and break your windows in protest. Does that make sense?

So who are these people? What drives them to do such things? Does anybody know? If yes, pray do tell.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Freedom of Speech?

Wrote the following in response to an email from a friend

Very good argument. I totally agree with you. The flag-bearers of freedom of speech and other such lofty ideals have not been practicing what they have preached for the longest time. But then again, why would one expect them to be any different from the rest of humanity?

I am assuming that this is in reference to the recent uproar because of the cartoons that have been published in various newspapers in Europe. I would like to share my thoughts on the same.

I have had a look at the said cartoons and they are in bad taste, not because of religious reasons, but because when you single out a person on the basis of their ethnic origin, religion, etc. you are generalising, and that is never a good idea.

Lets look at Denmark, a few years ago, there was a painting by an artist which showed Jesus with an erection, now that was in bad taste and people protested. But it was still allowed, they went to court and the court said that it was within the freedom of speech realm. So I think Denmark can be let off the hook for not practicing what they preach, since there is no double standard there.

So if we agree that the cartoons were in bad taste, what do we do about it? Did we protest when the Jesus painting was published? I don't think we did, so this is not about cartoons in bad taste, it is specifically about these cartoons. So we are saying that do whatever you want, as long as you don't say anything that offends us.

The problem with living as part of a society is that you have to define legalities, and morality exists somewhere underneath in the grey area. You just can't legislate morality.

Lets take Pakistan as an example. We do have some minorities living here, although we are trying very hard to make their lives difficult. A cow is considered sacred for the Hindus; do we ever take that into consideration, especially at Eid ul Azha? So we decide that since for the majority of people, sacrificing a cow is not an issue, there is nothing illegal about it. The nice thing to do would be to not do it in their face.

I have read up on it, and supposedly this was a test to see if the Muslim minority in Denmark was integrated in the society to be able to allow something that wasn't kosher as per their personal belief, but it backfired. Muslims haven't been able to integrate in most western societies. Lets look at the Danish society, they are a permissive lot with all kinds of things that we find repugnant. So the question is, can people of different faiths live together? Do we as Muslims, allow people of other faith to live freely? Why do we bomb churches? Why are special security measures taken every time Moharram comes around?

I don't have an answer, I am just trying to see how all of this fits into the human psyche. Is killing another human being better compared to insulting them? Since insult them, we will, hold a bias in our hearts for people who look different, and feel deep in our hearts that we are superior. Typical xenophobia.

In a capitalistic world, where morality is sometimes defined because it makes better business sense, I suppose this too shall pass. I don't know how the boycott of Danish products will effect their economy, but if it does, we will see some changes. Maybe next time, they will think twice before doing something like this. But the problem is much deeper, and I don't think that will be resolved, at least not in the near future.

The Banyan Tree

There are a few old banyan trees in the area where I live. Banyan trees are ungainly, and these old ones are majestic in their ugliness. Their branches span at least twenty five to thirty feet around the trunks. Once in a while, after it rains, the leaves are all clean and its a pretty sight in an area generally bereft of trees.

Generally you would find a fakir camped out by the trunk, the reason being the fact that it is always cooler under the shade of a banyan tree. The two trees I know, have been abandoned by their fakirs. Maybe because its not easy making a living beneath these two.

One of the trees has taken on the mighty CDA by falling smack in the path of the dual road that CDA is proudly building to facilitate the traffic that will be coming to the upcoming army sector. Heck, the Air Force and Navy have a sector of their own, how can the Army not have one? There are grand plans to build a grand palace for the king, among other things. Maybe the army will give up the other official palaces to universities, and the university in a palace must be better than the one in a tiny house. Whatever the reasons are, my ugly friend is in grave danger.

The work has started on the road. Right now they are leveling the ground on which it is to be built. So if you drive by, you can see where the road will be. I haven't seen an alternate path around the tree. So every day, when I drive by, I wonder if my friend will be there. Every day, I want to stop and take a picture, but I haven't yet. And like all regrets of life, maybe this shall happen before I do.

Yesterday, thousands of school kids were protesting against the cartoons. In order to show their anger and resentment against the countries which published the cartoons, they broke into offices, burnt cars, got baton-charged and tear-gassed. And at the end of the day, some were picked up by the police, to be released later on. Since the Interior Minister says they have to take into account the sensitivity of the issue. So they break up and burn down a few buildings and cars, what's important is that they vent their anger, right?


I wonder if anyone will speak for my friend the tree. The powers that be, were justifying cutting down almost 4000 trees for the New Murree Project. What's one tree? And that too for the all powerful army. In Karachi, the trees in front of the Marriott were pruned to look like a petrified forest, because the Corps Commander's security was at risk. This poor tree, if allowed to stand, will create a curve in the road, which will slow down the 30 plus Mercedes and other assorted vehicles that whiz by in mortal terror. Can't let that happen.

Oh poor tree, I will write you an obituary once you are gone, I will praise your tireless work to purify the air and provide shade to stray animals. I will miss you.

PS I am only trying to fool the gods

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