Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Strangest Bedfellows

While Unatees were having their own existential dilemma, the world kept moving on, and especially the interesting things in the land of the pure

1. WPB and MMA
I love the fact that we have so many abbreviations, I wish we would start making some acronyms as well, like MMA could be called MUMMA, and JUI JUPPHI or something.

Anyway, although the WBP is a lame legislation, it has cornered MUMMA, and they are damned if they resign and damned if they don’t. I don’t think they will. Although it will be interesting to watch how they wiggle out of this one. I think the mumbling idiot will help, who by the way, also promised to resign if the bill was found to be against the religion. Well, a lot of them have found it to be against the basis dictates of religion. So here is my wish, the lot of them resign and then are shipped off to Van Diemen’s Land, or whatever stands for Kala Pani these days.

2. Chavez
The guy won the elections, I am not sure what to believe, since there are so many conflicting reports about Mr. Chavez. Although the mere fact that he is standing up against the bullies, should give him some credibility. And that he is actually doing something for his country, like re-negotiating royalties for foreign oil companies, so that his country gets more money, is a good sign.

3. Emergency Brakes in Pakistan Railways Trains
Mr. Tully, please take note. Somebody was complaining that the emergency brakes don’t work in our trains. This guy had an "emergency", he left his luggage on the platform and the train started moving, he pulled on the things and nothing happened. I would think that if the emergencies are going to be of this nature, it is better that the brakes don’t work.

4. Rummy and Bolton
I think the news that both these men are out of the office is the best news I have heard in a long time. Not that it will change anything soon, but its a good sign. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

5. UK Police
The armed section of the police shot dead another man a few weeks back. This was the same team that shot the innocent Brazilian guy last year. Guess how many people had the Police shot and killed this year?

The answer is ONE. Wow!! And we think our police are incompetent. These guys can’t even shoot straight.

(For people who might mistake this for something else, it is sarcasm)

6. Banking in the UK
For people intending to open bank accounts in the UK, one word of advice, DONT. It’s been two months, and they haven’t been able to get me a debit card with a PIN number. I am slightly luckier than my wife, whose correspondence from the bank goes to Pakistan. Doesn’t get any stupider than that.

7. Internal and External Consumption
I read about three different version of what FL has said about the Kashmir issue, the Yahoo headline said that Pakistan willing to give up claim on Kashmir, if India does the same. While on Pakistani sites it was a different story. I wonder which one is the correct version, most probably they are all correct, one statement for domestic use, the other for the rest of the world.

8. Politics
I have come to this unhappy conclusion, that there is no room for idealism in politics, the way that it is played out in the world today. Unless one is willing to take everyone on, there is no way to stick to ideals. So I guess I will not ever be or can be a politician, even a bad one.

Imagine, FL inviting BB back to get PPP in power, and Imran Khan meeting with the newly hirsute Shareef brothers as a sign of the new alliances to come. Good luck to us all!!

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