Saturday, April 25, 2009


A few random thoughts

1. There must be something wrong with a belief that sanctifies the willingness to take one's own child's life. I am okay with "risking" one's life or possessions for something that one believes in, not okay with sacrificing life in any form or shape just to please a higher calling or cause. Kamikazes, suicide bombers, etc. all fall in the latter category.

2. My fight is against irrationality, caused by anything. A lot of it is due to faith, which is one obvious cause of becoming irrational. But I have found that there are quite a few other things out there which cause humankind to behave in the strangest of ways. It is hard enough to understand things that have a logical reason, I am stumped when I see people accepting things without any reason whatsoever.

3. It could be a fight to retain one's identity, the reason we try to justify the labels that we wear. For example, we call ourselves Pakistanis or Muslims, but at the same time, we keep saying that all those doing the crazy things are not one of us (at least the partially sane ones do). So if they aren't part of our group, and they say they are, who are they? And more importantly, who are we?

When will the craziness end? I am not hopeful that I will see an age of reason in my lifetime.


Blogger Infotainment said...

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Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 8:13:00 AM GMT+1  

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