Monday, May 04, 2015

Catch 69

He liked country western music, although he hadn’t listened to any in the last twenty years. He also dreamt of climbing mountains, but as he sat and smoked a cigarette after his infrequent 5k run, which was mostly a walk, he usually figured that it was probably better he only dreamt about it.
It was 3:46pm on a warm and humid May afternoon when it finally hit him. He felt like Siddharta, he had found nirvana (or nibbana as he liked to call it after reading Ms. Armstrong’s book on the subject.) He had the answer to the question that befuddled him all his life about his world.
It was not a Deep Thought kind of moment, mind you. There were no clear shinning letters or figures (e.g. 42) in front of his eyes. It was just a feeling which finally put his listlessness to rest. He had formulated Catch 69 which goes like this

The only way for it to make sense is for it to make no sense at all.

Repeat that, in German?

Nur so können es Sinn zu machen sind, damit es überhaupt keinen Sinn Machen?

Nah, it didn’t sound more profound in German and the online translator probably made it sound like it was composed by someone who had never heard a word of German in their lives.

The event that precipitated this epiphany was the cold blooded murder of someone he barely knew. He was pretty sure that the person in question didn’t know his name, although they always exchanged a hello and some pleasantries when they saw each other. This had been going on for some years. This was perhaps because he had never bothered to introduce himself, maybe because he wanted to exist in the peripheral world, the real world too overwhelming or chaotic.

The problem with the Chaos Theory is that people think exactly the opposite of what it purports to be true, which is intuitive. Both being wrong, intuition and chaos theory, when applied to the social sciences.

Why was this person murdered?

A logical and rational thought process would go the following way.
  1.  This was a random act of violence. There are people with guns roaming around on the streets of this town, who sometimes kill.
  2.  The victim was the intended target which would mean that killing her served a purpose.

If it was a random act, we need not go any further. It didn’t seem like one though, so maybe we explore scenario number two.

So, moving along
  1.  This person had done something or was about to do something
  2. This something was unacceptable to the other party(ies) and either had to be stopped or she had to be made an example of, so that other people were discouraged from doing the same.

This is getting complicated now. What did this person do, or rather what kind of a person was she, that the only way to stop her was to kill her?

After her death, someone tweeted “She was a communist.” Sorry to disappoint, I don’t think she was a follower of Lenin. This gentleman was trying to say that she didn’t believe in the same god(s) as he did, or fewer ones or maybe none at all. That wasn’t it.

I know there are android fans out there, and her being a devotee of the Jobs cult may have been a reason. The false idol that one could find in her surroundings. Nah, these guys don’t have the brains to figure that out.

Must be something else.

The best thing about conspiracy theories is that they perhaps have some bit of truth in them, but it is almost impossible to differentiate between what is and what isn’t. But it could all be a double/triple bluff, couldn’t it?

They can’t be that stupid? Everyone knows they will be blamed, so they would never do it. But that sounds like a good way of getting away with murder.

The answer is very simple. It is not supposed to make sense. And that is not an intended consequence of the action. They ARE that stupid. And this is the only thing that makes sense.

Exhibit A: There is a separatist movement going on, which is funded by the enemy. Therefore everyone who is in favour of the movement is guilty of either treason or being a spy. These traitors or spies must be disappeared. And no one should ask any questions about it. If you do, you are also a traitor or a spy. If you let people ask questions, you are a traitor again. But then again, we must pay lip service to something and it is nationalism and anything else once can think of at a given moment. Of course, there is no due process and since the people who are deciding the fate of these trials are supposed to be the best, their decisions cannot be questioned.

One question, if they are so good, why is the enemy apparently operating with impunity in our territory?

That again is a question that cannot be asked, if someone were to think about it. But no one really thinks about it.

That’s the problem with thinking, one tends to try to make sense, any sense out of things. But this only makes sense if it were to make no sense at all. And this doesn’t. There is no evil genius putting together plans of global domination, or body snatchers waiting to suck our souls out, its just a bunch of idiots who have no idea what they are doing. Some of them connected, others not to each other.

That is what he discovered that hot and humid afternoon. While he was thinking of why there was no power, and went through the mental calculation of the energy shortfall in the grid and capacity. Stop it! Don’t you get it? He asked himself. This reasoning or lack thereof must extend to everything. That is the only way for it to make sense. 

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