Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and it stinks.

Ok, I mean the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and all this wheeling dealing and denials galore. The only constant in this chaos is that FL will remain the supreme commander and lord of all things. Everything else is up for grabs or is it?

My problem is that the outcome of the elections is somehow dependent on the "deal" between FL and whoever else. Which means either of two things

1. FL is so good at his hocus-pocus that whoever he chooses to be his allies, the people vote for them.
2. Elections are a farce.

I am inclined to believe in the latter. The former defies common sense, logic, probability and everything else that I can think of. So screw the notion of the electorate and adult franchise, what we have is something so far removed from these ideas, I wonder how anyone can confuse the two. Unfortunately for us, it is a common thing in certain parts of the world, so we can't even claim to be original. This stems from incompetence, corruption, greed and lust for perpetual power.

My unsolicited advice to FL and anyone else who wants to listen is to do away with this farce. Lets get out of the denial phase, lets call a spade a spade. Yes we have a general dictator, everything we do or not do is based on his whims and his not-so-brilliant advisers ideas, we try our best to fool the rest of the world, but I don't think anyone is fooled. Everyone else but us knows the truth, they pretend not to for their own vested interests or lack thereof.

Lets announce our status as the first real banana republic of the world and be proud of it. Lets us be recognized for what we really are. The latest BBC documentary, in line with enlightened moderation, focuses on the transvestites and drugged mystics of Pakistan. Maybe thats what we are really good at, so forget the illusion and live the reality.

Viva La Banana!!

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