Thursday, May 04, 2006

Viva La MMA

I think this one has me convinced, come next elections, I am going to vote for MMA, which stands for Mullah Military Alliance or Mullahs Mullahs Andmoremullahs.


Apparently in the last Senate elections, some MMA representatives did not vote for their party's candidate. This was allegedly done because they were paid off by the other party. So the central committee decides to kick these guys out of the party and sends resignations on their behalf to the speaker of the assembly, who dutifully accepts, being a member of the same party.
One of the distinguished gentlemen in question hits back, saying that first he hasn't resigned and will contest this in court, and second and more importantly, saying that he had made an oath by virtue of which his marriage stands annulled, if he violated the party's discipline. I don't know how that proves his innocence, but thats his defence.

This is brilliant, the logic is flawless. Maybe this is representative of Islam and how it's practiced by the torch bearers of religion in our country. Everyone who is a citizen of this land of the pure should be made to sign a legal declaration, saying that if they break any laws, their marriages will be annulled. That's punishment enough. Imagine the financial ramifications of this, the married women of this country will be jumping with joy, getting their alimony which on average is about a thousand rupees to live lavishly for the rest of their lives.

The only problem I see is how the women will be punished, but I suppose that's only a temporary problem, once MMA comes into power all the ladies will be sent home. God forbid if women were punished along the same lines. The nikah nama has an option which allows the woman to ask for divorce, whereas the man's right to divorce is assumed without question. Generally, the woman is not allowed that option.

Incidentally, two women MPAs were sent home earlier for the same reasons, but there was no mention of their nikah's status.

Reminds me of the time when man landed on the moon, the mullah in the local mosque declared that if anyone believed in that hogwash, their nikahs would be rendered void. Good to see that some things will never change.

I wonder what FL is thinking right now. He is trying really hard to project his "soft" image. An interview with the first family is making the circuit these days (Shortcut Aziz obviously knows his place in the food chain). Maybe this is all FL's doing. He is making sure that the world knows what the MMA stands for, and pulling out the one M from their alias. Which in turn allows him to keep the M under his control. I don't rightly know. All I do know is that come next elections, I will vote for MMA or just the MA, since they are the only people who have it totally figured out.

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